Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Maybe I Need to Get Out More

The last couple of blogs sounded a bit testy but I was just being flip. Much as I love being flip I had to think, hmmm, perhaps all the brown and grey of winter is actually getting to me. I'm not running off to warm green places this year but just maybe I need to get out and about more. I rounded up June and Melu and off we went to the Rio Grande Nature Center where we saw Canada Geese doing somersaults in shallow water -- behavior I've never observed before at least not in geese. We also happened upon this odd crop in the xeric garden.

That was last Friday -- and yesterday I went to Santa Fe to have lunch with Lucille. Why I didn't have my camera with me to photograph her against the purple and peach walls of Harry's Roadhouse, I don't know. And then I blew it again in her wonderful shop on Galisteo -- color, color, color! I just sit there in the little "living room space" and feast on all that color (and chocolate). It's the most festive clothing store anywhere!

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