Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Got to Start Somewhere Part 2

Don't even ask where Part 1 is... There was a photo with it, though -- I'll tell you that. A photo of a little cottage, a cozy little fantasy cottage that seemed appropriate to this endeavor's beginning. Oh! Here it is -- nestled cozily in my summer garden. We'll start from there and wander into the present.

Usually by this time of year I'm yearning for an environment like this: Greenery! Leaves as big as me! Warmth! Moisture! And I head south. But this winter I've stayed here in the NM mountains -- without too much whining I might add. Went walking yesterday in the blowing snow, 26 degrees, brisk wind -- and felt wildly alive. Of course I felt wildly alive atop a pyramid in Palenque last February, too.

There is much to be said for feeling wildly alive no matter where you are.

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