Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Maybe I Need to Get Out More

The last couple of blogs sounded a bit testy but I was just being flip. Much as I love being flip I had to think, hmmm, perhaps all the brown and grey of winter is actually getting to me. I'm not running off to warm green places this year but just maybe I need to get out and about more. I rounded up June and Melu and off we went to the Rio Grande Nature Center where we saw Canada Geese doing somersaults in shallow water -- behavior I've never observed before at least not in geese. We also happened upon this odd crop in the xeric garden.

That was last Friday -- and yesterday I went to Santa Fe to have lunch with Lucille. Why I didn't have my camera with me to photograph her against the purple and peach walls of Harry's Roadhouse, I don't know. And then I blew it again in her wonderful shop on Galisteo -- color, color, color! I just sit there in the little "living room space" and feast on all that color (and chocolate). It's the most festive clothing store anywhere!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Buddha, with Halo Askew...

sits sullenly in my garden waiting for Spring. Notice the neatly mounded dirt next to his companion. This would be gopher sign -- mounded dirt and dead plants. So far I've lost 2 Hollyhocks -- mmmm, those sweet roots must be irresistible. I admit to murderous thoughts involving my bb gun but this gopher is so sleek and shiny and hardworking I put those thoughts aside. For now.
And I don't need anyone to point out the contradiction between the juxtaposition of Buddha and murderous thoughts, thank you.

Monday, February 16, 2009

What's an Acequia, Ma?

This is an acequia, kid -- and shut uhhhhp!

Stalking Betony -- to no Avail

Betony was reported not only up but blooming down in the Manzanos... Hmmm, not that far south from here -- I thought perhaps I might see some up and about at the Highway 14 Open Space. Nary a hint of Betony anywhere though I searched high and low. Here's a photo of me searching high -- recognize the Gooding Willow again? And look what turned up low -- I trust you all know this one!

So -- no Betony... But I got to climb trees and hear the water rushing in the acequia, admire a Red-tailed Hawk and just generally rejoice in being outdoors on a fine day.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Searching for Signs of Spring

And this is what I found in my backyard: Filaree -- Storksbill, one of the geraniums. A tiny little flower on a rosette of frilly deep green leaves. Watch for it! I've seen it in dry places, wet places, high places and low...

Bluebirds at my water dishes today, too -- and CedarWaxwings in the elm tree...

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Got to Start Somewhere Part 2

Don't even ask where Part 1 is... There was a photo with it, though -- I'll tell you that. A photo of a little cottage, a cozy little fantasy cottage that seemed appropriate to this endeavor's beginning. Oh! Here it is -- nestled cozily in my summer garden. We'll start from there and wander into the present.

Usually by this time of year I'm yearning for an environment like this: Greenery! Leaves as big as me! Warmth! Moisture! And I head south. But this winter I've stayed here in the NM mountains -- without too much whining I might add. Went walking yesterday in the blowing snow, 26 degrees, brisk wind -- and felt wildly alive. Of course I felt wildly alive atop a pyramid in Palenque last February, too.

There is much to be said for feeling wildly alive no matter where you are.