Sunday, March 15, 2009

Meanwhile, Out in the Hills

Spring's a-poppin'... Well, sort of... The Bladderpod that was looking rather tentative last week, looks more assertive now. Sweet little clusters of it lining the trail -- along with Easter Daisy, Townsendia Exapa which wasn't in evidence at all last week.

G and I hiked up to Huck's Lookout where we -- well -- looked out... Great unpopulated vista to the north that makes me feel a little better about my shrinking habitat. Maybe it hasn't shrunk all that much.

Probably everyone but me has always known that if you click on a photo you can enlarge it hugely... I only recently discovered this and was blown away by the apricot blossom -- the one against the green ball. I get chills every time I look at it -- all that life beckoning in what looks like waxy waving tentacles. And then consider: a whole tree covered with that energy.

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